Behaviors & Attitudes Drinking & Driving Scale (BADDS)
The Behaviors & Attitudes Drinking & Driving Scale (BADDS) identifies preintervention risk of future impaired driving, and changes in DUI-related risky behaviors & attitudes following intervention.
Ideal for initial risk assessment, pre and post test screening, and program evaluation.
Ages – 18 years and up,
Appropriate for early intervention with adolescents
Reading grade level: 3.1
15 minutes to administer and score
Reliability and Validity Summary of the BADDS
First Time Orders Must Include A Starter Kit
Pretest Starter Kits
Designed for those using the BADDS as a pretest measure only. Kit includes enough paper questionnaires and profiles to allow for one administration per client.
Pre-Post Starter Kits
Designed for those using the BADDS as a pre-post measure to assess intervention effectiveness. Kit includes enough paper questionnaires and pre-post profiles to allow for two administrations of the questionnaire per client which requires only one pre-post profile sheet per client.
Individual Items
Individual items for administrators who have previously purchased a BADDS Starter Kit.