Combination Adult & Adolescent
Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI-4 and SASSI-A3)

Ages: 18+ years – Adult | 13-18 – Adolescent
Reading grade Level: 4th-5th – Adult | 4th – Adolescent
Accuracy: 92% – Adults; 89% – Adolescents – Based on empirical studies
Administration: 15 minutes to administer and score

 Estimates of the Reliability and Criterion Validity of the Adult SASSI-4

Estimates of the Reliability and Criterion Validity of the Adolescent SASSI-A3

 First Time Orders Must Include A Starter Kit 

  Announcement: A 2025 price increase is coming!  

Click here to read our recent blog post on the topic and to view the new pricing that takes effect January 1st 2025.

Starter Kits

Individual Items

Individual items are for administrators who have previously purchased a Combo (or both Adult and Adolescent) SASSI starter kit.