SASSI Online Tips and Tricks: Volume 4 | Unassigning (deleting) or Redelivering an Incomplete Questionnaire

SASSI Online is our web-based platform that supports the digital administration of the Adult SASSI-4, Adolescent SASSI-A3, and Spanish SASSI. It provides a report with interpretive paragraphs outlining the decision rules and results from client responses.

In this edition of SASSI Online Tips and Tricks we look at answering one of our commonly asked Tech Support questions; how to unassign (delete) or redeliver an incomplete questionnaire.

We covered delivering a questionnaire with the basic features in Volume 2, however, in this Volume we talk about how to handle a questionnaire that was delivered, but the client has not completed.  This scenario can be the result of a client’s change in needs or choices, which results in an incomplete questionnaire in the dashboard, that will never be completed.  When a questionnaire is assigned in SASSI Online, a purchased administration is reserved for that client.  In order to free up that administration, unassigning allows for that client to be deleted and the newly available questionnaire returned to the available total.  To accomplish this, start from the My Clients tab of your SASSI Online dashboard.  Click the client’s id and choose the option to Unassign.  This will provide a popup message warning you the client information will be deleted, once you approve by clicking ok, the client is deleted, and one administration is added back to your available total. 

Redelivering a questionnaire is sometimes required if the questionnaire was set up prior to contact with the client or the client indicates they have not received the emailed link to complete the questionnaire.  Once again, start from the My Clients tab of the dashboard, and click the client id.  This time, choose the Redeliver Questionnaire option and you will be presented with the same Delivery Options described in Tips and Tricks Volume 2.

If you are not currently using SASSI Online and would like to experience the features of the digital platform, create an account at  If you already have an account, let us know if you have any suggestions for our next edition of SASSI Online Tips and Tricks.  As a bonus for reading this blog post to the end, reach out to us at, with the code phrase: Unassign a Questionnaire, to request two free SASSI Online administrations!