Tag: SASSI with Criminal Offenders

The SASSI in Community Corrections

The Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI) is a valuable tool used in various contexts, including community corrections programs. When used in community corrections settings, the SASSI serves several important purposes:

  1. Screening for Substance Use Disorders (SUDs): One of the primary functions of the SASSI in community corrections is to screen individuals under supervision for potential substance use disorders. It helps probation and parole officers identify clients who may be struggling with substance abuse issues.
  2. Risk Assessment and Management: The SASSI provides valuable information about the level of risk that an individual poses in terms of problems related to their substance use. This information helps community corrections officers make informed decisions about supervision levels and interventions. For clients with co-occurring substance use and criminal justice issues, the SASSI helps community corrections officers manage risk more effectively.
  3. Treatment Planning: For individuals identified as having substance use issues, the SASSI results can inform the development of individualized treatment plans. It can help determine the appropriate type and intensity of substance abuse treatment needed to address the client’s specific needs.
  4. Referrals: If the SASSI identifies a client as having a high likelihood of a substance use disorder, community corrections officers can make referrals to specialized substance abuse treatment programs or other appropriate services.
  5. Resource Allocation: The SASSI results can help allocate limited resources within community corrections programs more effectively. As a result, officers can prioritize clients with higher substance abuse risk for more intensive interventions.
  6. Compliance and Accountability: Incorporating the SASSI screening tool into community corrections programs can enhance client accountability and motivation to get treatment, especially among clients who may be unaware or sincerely deluded about their substance use issues.
  7. Documentation and Reporting: The use of the SASSI screening tool in community corrections ensures that evaluations are conducted in a standardized and systematic manner, which is essential for documentation, reporting, and legal compliance.

It’s crucial to note that the SASSI should be administered by professionals who understand the nuances of substance use screening and the ethical considerations involved. Additionally, confidentiality is an important aspect of using the SASSI in a community corrections context, as clients’ rights and privacy must always be protected.

Criminal Justice Publication Accepted

Hello friends and colleagues,

We hope you and your families are all doing well. We wanted to call your attention to our very latest peer reviewed publication, released earlier this month. The title is: Criminal Justice Alcohol and Drug Screening in Practice: Using the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory to Identify Substance Use Disorder in Offenders.

Now in its fourth iteration (SASSI-4), this article discusses the SASSI screening tools’ utility with criminal offenders and reviews a case study of a young male’s clinical evaluation while incarcerated. While SUD is not the only contributing factor to criminality, it significantly increases the likelihood of legal infraction and violations, placing these individuals at a higher risk of re-offending. Thus, identifying SUD as early as possible in the clinical relationship helps provide tailored treatment to those who need it, while simultaneously reducing the risk of future legal difficulties.

For this case study, we reviewed the SASSI-4 screening results of a 24-year-old male. The case presents an excellent example of the value of early identification of substance use disorder and potential problems in criminal justice settings.

We hope you enjoy the article, and as always, we look forward to your submissions and comments.