A frequent question we get is regarding the web-based version of the SASSI-4 and how to identify the SYM (Symptoms) scale items on a client’s completed questionnaire. Because the SYM items are face valid they can give you information concerning the client’s substance use and it may be worthwhile to do a content analysis of the SYM items as they directly relate to substance use. While logged into your account, click on the tab… Read more
SASSI Online Tips and Tricks: Volume 8 | Viewing Report Results
SASSI Online is our web-based platform that supports the digital administration of the Adult SASSI-4, Adolescent SASSI-A3, and Spanish SASSI. In this edition of SASSI Online Tips and Tricks we highlight the steps to view a client’s completed SASSI questionnaire results. When a client completes the questionnaire, responses are sent to the scoring server for immediate results. You will receive an email notification that the questionnaire is complete, with instructions on how to view the report from… Read more
SASSI Online Tips and Tricks: Volume 7 | Distribution Groups
SASSI Online is our web-based platform that supports the digital administration of the Adult SASSI-4, Adolescent SASSI-A3, and Spanish SASSI. It provides a report with interpretive paragraphs outlining the decision rules and results from client responses. In this edition of SASSI Online Tips and Tricks we highlight the Distribution Group feature available on the Purchasing & Distribution Tab of the Purchaser’s Account Dashboard. Distribution Groups can only be created and managed by the user that… Read more
SASSI Online Tips and Tricks: Volume 6 | Inviting Additional Counselors
SASSI Online is our web-based platform that supports the digital administration of the Adult SASSI-4, Adolescent SASSI-A3, and Spanish SASSI. It provides a report with interpretive paragraphs outlining the decision rules and results from client responses. In this edition of SASSI Online Tips and Tricks we review the steps to add multiples counselors to a SASSI Online account, manage their invitation, and how to manage their access. Only the Primary Clinical Contact (PCC) for an… Read more
SASSI Online Tips and Tricks: Volume 5 | Account Dashboard Overview
SASSI Online is our web-based platform that supports the digital administration of the Adult SASSI-4, Adolescent SASSI-A3, and Spanish SASSI. It provides a report with interpretive paragraphs outlining the decision rules and results from client responses. In this edition of SASSI Online Tips and Tricks we review the Dashboard Tabs, their functions and what the different Roles have access to. All SASSI Online users have a Dashboard. When logged in to their account, they will… Read more
SASSI Online Tips and Tricks: Volume 4 | Unassigning (deleting) or Redelivering an Incomplete Questionnaire
In this edition of SASSI Online Tips and Tricks we look at answering one of our commonly asked Tech Support questions; how to unassign (delete) or redeliver an incomplete questionnaire. Read more
SASSI Online Tips and Tricks Volume 3 | SASSI to Go
In this edition of SASSI Online Tips and Tricks we take an in-depth look at our SASSI to Go delivery option! SASSI to Go is an application designed to be used offline for administration of SASSI questionnaires. SASSI to Go is downloaded to a laptop or thumb drive, then the questionnaires are administered to clients with or without an Internet connection. Read more
SASSI Online Tips and Tricks: Volume 2 | Delivery Options
In this edition of SASSI Online Tips and Tricks we highlight setting up a questionnaire and the delivery options. When administering a questionnaire, you have six options. This volume will cover the first five in depth. The last one, SASSI to Go, will get its own volume, so watch for that! Read more
SASSI Online Tips and Tricks: Volume 1 | Support Materials
In this edition of SASSI Online Tips and Tricks we highlight the documents located under the Support Materials page. Access the Support Materials through the Account Dashboard’s, My Clients tab. The Support Materials button is to the right of the Administer button. There are four quadrants on the Support Materials page, the top left is for Adult SASSI-4 documents, the top right contains the Adolescent SASSI-A3 materials, and the bottom left is for the Spanish… Read more
SUD Screening, Telehealth, and the Coronavirus Pandemic
Due to the continuing outbreak of COVID-19 cases throughout the world, infectious disease experts have recommended reducing face-to-face contact and social distancing as much as possible to avoid spreading the virus. Many counseling and treatment providers are now looking to boost their adoption of virtual communication (telehealth) as a tool during this time. Congress also recently passed legislation allowing professionals to bill Medicare for patient care delivered by telehealth during the current coronavirus public health… Read more